Thank you for these references, which I will save. These by Calvin are particularly good.
"Satan" was one of the "sons of God" carrying out actions sanctioned by God and controlled by God. Satan acted as the Prosecutor in God's court. Around 300 BCE, the idea of "Devil" evolved. Later the two entities were merged.
"Lucifer" on the other hand, as your sources confirm, refers to "light", to Venus, which is the name of the Morning Star. It is not evil, as 2 Peter and the Book of Revelation show, with Jesus saying he is the "morning star" (Rev. 22:16. Compare 2 Peter 1:19; Rev. 2:28).
My view is that humanity will discover the source of all evil by looking in the mirror. Until then, all "Others" will be cast as evil and satanic, giving people the excuse to exterminate anyone who does not agree with them. An explanation for religion being the source of conflict, whether in the home, nationally, or internationally ("the Axis of Evil").